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Linux/Unix - Primary data protection, it's that simple

Did you sometime bend thoughts on data protection on linux-/unix-systems?  Forgetting to log-out and than??? Everyone can read everything you ve done.... could be a bad situation! And after all, root can see whatever you ve done - he's the master of disaster!

But - are we really at the mercy of intruders and roots? Nope, as we can user the /dev/null...

     ln -sf /dev/null ~/.bash_history

Thats an acceptable solution and  most of all one of the fast solutions ;-) After setting that command, all loggings will wrote to /dev/null and not longer to your bash_history-file. No savings - no way to read it for others :-)


25. März 2019     | linux | unix | wsl | windows subsystem for linux | old data




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